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Strong Random Password Generator

Generate a strong random password quickly easily and stay safe online, or see how secure your password actually is. Use this easy password generator to create a strong random password.

What is a strong random password generator

A strong random password generator is exactly what you may think it is; a tool to generate you an extremely strong and random password. Everybody thinks that they are using a strong password, in some case (and we hope so) probably are. Thought’s aside, we are at the centre of the password reuse issue. It’s human nature, we grow into the habit of using something easy to remember.

Subsequently, passwords are a real threat when it comes to online security. In 2019, 81% of company data breaches were due to poor passwords. It’s clear to see why safeguarding your personal information is important, and a strong password is a very important step to take.

An impossible to crack password is a complex set of characters and made up of multiple types of characters (numbers, letters and symbols). You should also ensure that you never use the same password for multiple accounts, especially ones where you’re using the same email address.

Our Strong Password Generator runs locally in your web browser too, we never make a request back to our website or send anything across the web while our generator is in use.

Knowing what a strong password looks like

A strong password should be, well… strong? Keep your accounts and identity safe online by ensuring you are using a strong and unique password on every website you visit.

Strong Random Password Examples

  1. rSBrT2!stUptuJtZE
  2. q:Z:{&t?a2J9]7Wp
  3. GH^T9\YShG4X@T2H

Weak Password Examples

  1. 123456789
  2. Passw0rd!

What can I use this random password generator for?

We have created this secure and easy to use password generator to help your stay safe online. You can use the passwords on any account you choose. here are some examples:

  • Email Passwords
  • Websites that require a strong 12 character password.
  • Master passwords for your password manager
  • Accounts such as FaceBook and LinkedIn which holds confidential information.
  • Secure computer passwords
  • Other online accounts.

It’s worth nothing that this secure password generator will be massively beneficial to use for online shopping accounts. These tend to be the targets for hackers trying to access your personal information and banking details. Its for this reason a tough to break password is always advised.

Keeping your passwords safe, secure and as strong as possible

The internet has been around for a while now, but we’ve still not learned our lesson when it comes to passwords online. To prevent your passwords from hackers, brute force or dictionary attacks; check out these tip on how to generate a secure random password:

  1. Tips for a secure and strong password
  2. A strong password should be at least 16 digits and contain at least one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one special symbol.
  3. You should not include the names of friends, family, pets or cars (strange right…) in your passwords.
  4. You should not include personal information such as phone numbers, birthdays, card numbers etc… within your passwords.
  5. Never use the same strong password for multiple accounts.
  6. Do not use similar words or phrases in multiple passwords; for example. iLoveAGoodPassword and iLoveAGreatPassword
  7. Using a password manager can be a great way of storing your strong random passwords meaning you only have to remember one master password. LastPass is a great tool for managing your passwords safely and securely.
  8. Tips to keep your passwords safe
  9. Do not store passwords in your web browser as they can be revealed with very little ease by hackers.
  10. Be careful what accounts you log into when connected to public or open networks. These include public WiFi hotspot, Tor or free VPN’s.
  11. Turn on and use two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  12. Ensure your information is being stored safely and securely by the party holding your data.
  13. Lock your computer/ mobile devices when they are not in use and contain sensitive information.
  14. Never tell anybody your passwords or send them to anybody via email, instant message or text.
  15. Keep all devices you use up to date with all the latest security update/s patches. Including operating systems, web browsers and applications.

How exactly do passwords get hacked?

There are plenty of tactics out there that cybercriminals use to gain knowledge of your confidential information. The most common approach taken would be to buy passwords from the dark web. There is a huge market for buying and selling login credentials and passwords on the dark web. Just remember, if you have been using the same password for years, it might be time to check if it’s been compromised.

If you’re fortunate enough to have kept your passwords off those black market lists, the next thing a cybercriminal will have to do is crack your password. Cybercriminals will tend to select or use one of the most common methods to crack your password. An attack can be directly aimed at your account or even a leaked database of hashed passwords.

Brute force attacks

A brute force attack (also known as brute force cracking) is the equivalent of trying every key on your keyring to gain access to your house; eventually, you will find the right one. The attacker will attempt to match your password with all known password combinations until they find a match. The attacker will use automated software and try as many combinations as they possibly can in the shortest amount of time possible.

The longer a password is, the harder it is to crack – however, with the ever-increasing evolution of tech computers can process passwords much quicker than before. Anything under 9-12 characters is vulnerable to being cracked. By using a strong random password generator to create a password you can eliminate the chances of your password being subject to a successful brute force attack.


Phishing scams are an everyday occurrence, receiving an email from an entity that claims to be communicating with you directly from a company who you have an account with. In most cases, they look legitimate and some people fall into the trap. Attackers notify you of a problem or breach of your account whilst reassuring you that fixing the issue is quite simple. Simply click on the link and enter your login details – and that’s it! One-click and you’ve opened up a world of trouble.

It does not matter how strong your password is when being subject to a phishing scam, as you’re actively giving away your login credentials. So knowing how to spot a phishing scam is important. In most cases, phishing emails contain low quality or distorted images of the company logo/ branding as well as a bunch of typos. If you do click on the link’s sent, be wise to check the URL bar. Most browsers will warn you if you’re not using a secured connection (the green padlock), but ensure you’re visiting the correct website. This can give you some indication that it is not the legitimate company they claim to be.

Dictionary attacks

A dictionary attack is very similar to a brute force attack but slightly different in the approach. You are essentially having a dictionary of prearranged words you’d typically find in a dictionary thrown at your account in the hopes that a match will be found. If your password is in-fact a regular word, you’d likely only survive a dictionary attack if the word you’ve chosen is extremely uncommon or a multiple word phrase.

The most commonly used passwords of 2023?

It’s a question everyone will ask themselves, so we’ve included the most common passwords from 2020 for everyone to see:

  1. 123456 (23.2m)
  2. 123456789 (7.7m)
  3. qwerty (3.8m)
  4. password (3.6m)
  5. 111111 (3.1m)

Each password listed out unique in one way, they’re extremely simple to remember. A password that is easy to remember is a good thing, but they’re also very easy to crack. A password that is easy to crack is rendered useless.

When creating a password, the majority of us create something easy to remember. It might be a favourite sports team, catchy song lyrics or even a close family members name. In essence, choosing a password that is simple to remember and does not include anything complicated.

How often should you change your password

Each time you signup for a new account with a new app or software; the password you use becomes more and more insecure as time goes on. Protecting yourself from intrusion it’s recommended that you update all of your passwords regularly, but how often is often enough?

The most common approach within organisations involves changing a password every 30, 60 or 90 days. However, this does raise a concern for employees working within said organisations. Changing a password every 30 days seems a very reasonable approach to tackle security concerns; but does it help? If an employee must remember numerous account passwords just within their workplace, and change them every month. Memorising and remembering them all is not realistic and will inevitably lead to an insecure choice of password.

When it is necessary to change your password?

Knowing when to change your password is vital, even if you are not regularly changing your password it’s important to know you will have to change it eventually. The right time to change your password would be under any of the following situations:

  1. You have shared your password with someone and they no longer need access to your account.
  2. An alert of suspected attempts to gain access to your account.
  3. You have received a notification of unauthorised access to your account.
  4. You’ve recently logged into the account on a public network.
  5. There has been a notification of a breach or intrusion into the account provider’s systems or infrastructure.
  6. It’s been more than 12 months since you last changed your password.

Cybersecurity statistics that might just change your view?

Data breaches are a regular occurrence in the 21st century, a data breach damages business and customers in a variety of ways. We’ve compiled a list of the most significant data breaches in the 21st century:

  • Yahoo: The Yahoo data breach in 2013-2014 saw all 3 billion user accounts on the platform compromised. The data breach included names, email addresses, date of birth and telephone numbers. The incident saw an estimated $350 million knocked off Yahoo’s sale price.
  • Marriott: Between 2014 and 2018 Marriott cyber thieves stole the data of approximately 500 million customers. The breach occurred on systems supporting Starwood Hotel Brands. A breach that saw hackers obtain contact information, passport numbers, credit card numbers and other personal information.
  • eBay: In May 2014, eBay announced details of a cyberattack that exposed the names, addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords of all 145millions users on the platform. The breach was made possible by hackers gaining knowledge of three corporate employees passwords, giving complete access for 229 days.
  • Adobe: October 2013 saw a attackers access the ID’s and encrypted passwords of 38 million active users of the Adobe platform. Throughout an investigation, it was also revealed the hack had exposed customer names, and credit card information was also part of the breach.
  • Sony’s PlayStation Network: In April 2011, 77 million PlayStation Network accounts were hacked and the gaming community was down for 1 month. Of the 77 million, hackers accessed 12 million unencrypted card numbers and gained access to full names, emails, addresses and purchase history.

Ensuring your adopting the best techniques for your passwords?

It is important to be aware of the changing trends within the industry and ensuring that your passwords are safe, secure and as strong as possible to prevent your accounts and personal information from being compromised. A safe password generator can help you overcome the issue of creating new strong passwords that otherwise wouldnt be secure. While using a password manager with a master password (don’t lose this one!) can very useful when managing lots of different accounts.

*For your peace of mind

All passwords are generated on client-side (within your browser), this means that your password will not travel over the internet from one server to another during it’s generation.

Devign Studios Ltd does not guarentee the security of your password. How you remember, transmit of otherwise use your password is entirely your responsibility.

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